Honoring our ancestors through Today's actions.
Dear Tribal Partners,
We are excited to be able to extend an invitation to members of your tribe to attend the Team Hill Warriors Over the Wasatch: A Proud Heritage aerial practice performance at Hill Air Force Base on Friday, June 24. At this time, it is expected that the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds and a host of other elite military and air show industry performers will rehearse their aerial acts for a select audience that day in preparation for the full 2022 air show that Saturday, June 25 and Sunday, June 26. For additional information on the full air show that weekend, please visit https://www.hill.af.mil/Warriors-Over-The-Wasatch/.
Due to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations and Hill AFB restrictions for this practice performance, we are very limited on the number of guests we are allowed to bring this year. There are many groups Hill AFB is trying to accommodate for the practice performance and they are limited by an FAA rule to no more than 2,000 spectators. Unfortunately, this means we do not have the flexibility to accommodate as many in our group as we have at past air show practice performances and space is limited. We apologize if this causes issues for any of you!
We are still working out the details of the day, but need to get a list of tribal members that would be interested in attending. Please let me know by Monday June 6th, if any tribal members are interested in attending. As you are thinking of your guests, please consider that you and your guests will be in the sun for the entirety of the performance and shade will be limited. We recommend that you do not bring small children (under age 3) due to the heat and loud noise. We do not need additional information for background checks at this time – but if that changes, we will let you know.
While we don’t know all of the specifics yet, we do know that we will be meeting around lunchtime at Northridge High School in Layton to catch a shuttle to get on base. There will be other performances to watch while you wait. The Thunderbirds will perform last, around 3 p.m., and their rehearsal will last approximately one hour. Our goal is to have you back to your vehicles around 4:30/5 p.m. – so plan on a four to five-hour window of time. All of this could change – I just wanted you to have an idea of how the day has gone in the past. We will let you know the definite plans once we know the actual schedule.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Very Respectfully,
Michelle Cottle
Installation Tribal Liaison Officer
Chief, Environmental Branch